After registering and as the event nears, you will receive the Zoom links and passcodes for each of the three days to access and enjoy this story-learning.
Arrive 5-15 minutes early to allow for your computer to start-up and benefit from the experience. Most of the time, everyone will be together to discuss and explore the world of storytelling.
The Virtual has pre-registration as well as an early bird price of $45.00/youth. This tuition is due to the convenience factor of doing this from home AND the fact that 100% of the tuition is given to Cherie Davis and Ginger Parkinson, our facilitators. After August 1, 2020, the regular price will be $55.00/youth.
Since 2008, Cherie Davis and Ginger Parkinson have been Master Story Facilitators for youth, specifically Story Camps. They already had a full-to-capacity of 40 youth with a Virtual Story Camp in June 2020. With live or virtual, these professionals are exciting for all.
Feel free to email or text/call Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799 with any questions or comments. You can also go to the webpage here:
This file is within the registration and for your benefit:
Virtual Story Camp - FAQs.pdf