Friday, September 18, 2020
7:00pm-8:00pm MDT
Featured Teller: Nannette Watts
Theme: A Drop of English Blood
Knowing who When the night is dark, sometimes the we are lends stability when times are tough. Each drop of detail fills us with strength, drop by drop. Join us for an evening of discovery as performing artist Nannette Watts guides us through stories that are so specific, they become universal. Nannette Watts is co-director of National Youth Storytelling. She has told stories beyond each corner of Utah and in between.
House Concerts are at the Hedman Home backyard in West Jordan, UT with proper distancing at 4835 W. Sunset Park Lane, West Jordan, UT 84081.
These files are within the registration and for your benefit:
Story Crossroads - Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement.pdf
Click here for short video on Reflections & Invite from Nannette Watts plus what the routine is like in the backyard