Thursday, April 1, 2021
dress for the weather
7:00pm-8:00pm Mountain
Featured Teller: Dale Boam
Theme: "Have I Told You This?"
Stories get better with the telling. A tale you think you've heard before may have grown to reach a place where old tales become new. Enjoy the tales told by Dale Boam who has a varied resume as he is a liar, lawyer, tenured languages professor, certified ASL Interpreter, and voice-over actor. He would call himself a Renaissance Man, but he can’t do math. For Utah’s Biggest Liar, he has placed in the top three for three years in a row (third is in the top three) so he says he has won (their rules, not his). He loves to share the adventures of growing up with a grandfather who was a large animal veterinarian, a gentleman farmer and not tied to the idea of personal safety.
These files are within the registration and for your benefit:
Story Crossroads - Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement.pdf