Friday, November 12, 2021
7:00pm-8:00pm MST
Featured Teller: Nannette Guest Watts
Theme: "The Backyard Brigade"
Address: Watts Home, 10487 N Aberdeen Lane, Highland, UT 84003
Any need for directions, you can call/text Nannette Watts at (801) 362-4411.
Here is a video to see what to expect, what the yard looks like, and some words from Nannette Guest Watts:
Can someone be thankful for a brother? At least one that always brings about adventure at every turn? Then join Nannette Watts for "The Backyard Brigade" with the antics, mishaps, and maybe even lessons learned.
This file is within the registration and for your benefit:
Story Crossroads - Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement.pdf