Friday, April 29, 2022
7:00pm-8:00pm MDT
Featured Teller: William Boardman
Theme: New, Old, and Forgotten Stories
Address: Jessop Home, 1736 North 210 East, Orem, UT 84057
Any need for directions, you can call/text Dalliene Jessop at (801) 787-2416
William Boardman was lured into the storytelling world over 20 years ago. He quickly waded into the deeper waters to learn how it’s done. He’ll share from Tall tales, Roman History, dressing a plot and an Irish fairytale. Come join us to suspend disbelief for an hour of enjoyable stories.
Dress for the weather for the outdoors adventure. In case of inclement weather (rain - as temperature does not concern us), we would be inside.
See video with words from William and to see the yard:
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