8th Annual Story Crossroads Summit & Festival - The Hybrid
All 28 films are on the Unlisted YouTube Playlist to view until June 15, 2023!
Featured Story Artists: TAHIRA (DE), Norm Brecke (OR), Julie Barnson, Alan Griffin, Ginger Parkinson, Nannette Watts, Lynn Wing, Cherie Davis, Carol Esterreicher, Clive Romney, John Adams, Annie & Dan Eastmond, Charlotte Starks
Featured Professors: Tēvita O. Kaʻili, Ph.D. (“Language of Story: Tongan,” BYU-Hawaii); Dr. Delanna Reed ("Immersed in Performance," Storytelling Masters Program, East Tennessee State University); John Alba Cutler, Ph.D. ("Making Space through Storytelling in The House on Mango Street," University of California, Berkeley)
Plus 40 community tellers!
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