Sensitive Storytelling: Collecting, Crafting, and Telling Real Experiences taught by Casadie Smith

  • 3 Jun 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Your Computer


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • You are attending by yourself or with others in the same household.

Registration is closed
Saturday - June 3, 2023

9:00AM-10:30AM MDT (UTC -6) / 11:00AM-12:30PM EDT (UTC -4)

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Story Facilitator: Casadie Smith

Sensitive Storytelling: Collecting, Crafting, and Telling Real Experiences

As we navigate a time of massive historical, social, and political upheaval, how do we tell the world about our experiences and those of the people around us? Through this workshop, participants will learn how to ethically collect, craft, and tell stories about sensitive topics that have real-world application and impact. From past experiences to current events, storytellers of all levels will work to understand how to share their perspective and that of others in a way that maintains ethical boundaries, protects the wellbeing of those involved in the process, and creates a positive impact.

This file is within the registration and for your benefit:

All Things Story Virtual Workshop Series - Frequently Asked Questions.pdf

This is the 5-minute video on Zoom Basics within registration and for your benefit:

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